I'm still here?!

Why hello faithful viewers! Yes, that's right - I am still here, I haven't died. You can stop worrying now. Why have I returned from darkness to post here you might ask? Well. I have some pretty exciting news! For those of you who don't know, I started a photography business about 3 and a half weeks ago. Earlier this week a launched a new blog within my business site. So, this blog will no longer be updated anymore. HOWEVER! If you just couldn't get enough of my incredibly thoughtful and interesting blog posts - check out some of the links below:

Web site: http://www.jacobshultz.com.au
Blog: http://www.jacobshultz.com.au/blog
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jacob-Shultz-Design-and-Photography/122523557816186
Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jshultzphotography/

Cheers guys,
Jacob :)

Beresfield Live Weather is finished - finally!

Hi guys,
I have finally finished my weather site. After months of chopping and changing between ideas, I stuck with one, and I am proud of the result!

I run a weather station at home, which then downloads data to a PC. The PC then collates the data and uploads it to the internet - the result can be seen on the live weather page.

Check it out, let me know what you think, criticise - it's all appreciated :)


Orange Spots

Hi all,

For visual art today, I was required to take inspiration from an artwork, and then translate it to a medium of my choice. I ended up taking inspiration from Jackson Pollock's 'Blue Poles' - I used Photoshop to create the artwork below, entitled 'Orange Spots', with a comparison to the original Jackson Pollock artwork:

 Blue Poles

 Orange Spots



On the 20th of November, the Hunter Region experienced a very intense storm, with areas receiving wind gusts in excess of 100km/h, and 20mm of rain in under 10 minutes.

In addition, it was also very lightning active, which provided me with the perfect opportunity to attempt my first real lightning photography.

Despite being in a very suburban area, I was quite pleased with the results:



It was an absolute ripper of an electrical storm, and thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity of experiencing God's creation.

Cheers :)

Star Trails

Hi everyone,

Two days ago (Saturday), our family planned to go out to Lake St Clair for a  nice afternoon/night. Unfortunately, after the one and a half hour drive there, we sadly discovered that there was barely room to to do a cartwheel it was so packed. Dejected, we drove back and decided to pop in to the Hunter Valley Gardens to have dinner. it was a great opportunity to take some photos, and I took an abundance.

A technique I was really hanging to try out was 'star trails'. Star trails are when you psoition your camera straight up, and leave the shutter open for ridiculously long amounts of time. As you all know, stars appear to move across the night sky (in actualy fact, it's us that are moving). This means that your photograph will have streaks for stars. Bit  hard to explain, so I might just show you the couple of images, and then you can see what you think.

This is the best result of the night, also coinciding with the longest exposure. I think that the nicer star trails require a longer exposure, which in turn needs no (or not many) lights (which is a bit hard in a suburban neighbourhood). So next time we are out of suburbia, I will be jumping at the chance to take some more star trails. Oh and sorry about the image quality, I just had no luck getting the images to look even remotely nice... :(

Have a good week.

Sculpture by the Sea

Hi guys,

Our family went down to Bondi today to do the Scuplture by the Sea walk (more info here: http://www.sculpturebythesea.com/ ).

I made the most of the opportunity to take photos, with my image folder size coming in at a grand total of 1.4GB. I am pleased with how most of them turned out, considering the harsh lighting conditions (the sun was reflecting quite harshly off the metal of the sculptures). The positive side to this is that I was able to keep my shutter speed very high (fast), which made it much easier to get crisp shots.

See my favorites below (I know, there are so many... Favourites are sooo hard to pick):

I love freezing objects that are usually to hard to follow with the human eye. Using a fast shutter speed, I was able to do this with a wave at Bondi Beach.

Post-processing in photoshop really made this photograph pop. I love the geometric structure looking of the serene nature of sand and ocean.

A shot that really captured the colourful nature of this sculpture.

I think the shallow depth of field really enhanced this photo. I love the colourful look in the sculptures eyes.

Using a fast shutter speed, I freezed the motion of these flags waving in the wind.

A macro shot of a flower.


I took this photo of a post that was part of a sculpture. In photoshop I then desaturated the unfocused parts to create a cool effect.

 A fairly straight shot of a sculpture.


Sorry for the amount of photos, but there was so much to take photos of, I couldnt help myself!

Have a great day :)

A Test Post for the New Design


Hi everyone, the new design has unexpectedly arrived!

This is a test post to make sure everything is working. Hope you like it, and please feel free to leave your feedback.

Have a great weekend.